Why from the one Harris's theory pork is prohibited in Judaism Islam

[Person is vulnerable to temptation] and know Islam of adultery view ...

Why from the one Harris's theory pork is prohibited in Judaism Islam Islamic affair sense to know and [people are vulnerable to temptation] Do libido can be controlled In recent years, from politicians in Japan up to the celebrities, have been told without getting tired is adultery problem. Entertainer in the dentist and the heyday who have graduated from top universities - for the price to be paid endlessly large, why people would repeat these mistakes. Some of Islam was born in the wilderness of the distant Arabian Peninsula from Japan, it may be that the answer is hidden. Because, human desire and Islam, because in particular is also a religion if with aspects of how to control the libido. In Islam, the first place in the human one-track wisdom, there is also the idea of ​​a pointless guess the meaning of the teachings of God Almighty gave. In it you understand, about the news reports successive Japanese affair problem, I would like to think from the Islamic point of view. Libido in Islam is positive A variety of commentary up to the psychiatrist has rife from critics about the affair.

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